
搜索"how to american"找到的小说 (Page1)

《【德哈】晶体记忆》 / 雷诺瓦 / 耽美

同人 / 男男 / 其他 / 微H / 正剧 / 科幻 / 青梅竹马
首发lof。德哈only作品,赛博朋克,仿生人,得到与失去。Born on the seventh morning, we are doomed to be alone.

《【光与夜之恋陆沉】Off To The Races》 / 摄氧过度 / PO18

标签: 簡體版 / 高H / 二創 /

《欢迎回家(双性小妈合集)》 / Godzita / 耽美

原创 / 男男 / 现代 / 中H / 正剧 / 美人受 / 家族
Welcome back to our home

《爱犬(双性主人受犬攻)》 / 放飞自我 / 耽美

原创 / 男男 / 古代 / 高H / 正剧 / 高H / 高H

《Common Sense》 / 托马斯·潘恩 / 英文

... Paine. It was first published anonymously on January 10, 1776, during the American Revolution. Common Sense presented the American colonists with an argument for independence from British rule at a time when the question of independence was still undecided. Paine wrote and reasoned in a style that ...

《The Wonderful Wizard of Oz》 / 弗兰克·鲍姆 / 英文

...Oz is easily his most enduring. Baum wanted to write a fairy tale that was American, not European, although he introduced elements of traditional European fairy tales (witches, castles, forests) into the story. By presenting a female protagonist, casual language, characters such as the Scarecrow and...

《Tigana》 / 盖伊·加列佛·凯伊 / 英文

...s the arrow the longbow of your exile first lets fly.You will come to know how bitter as salt and stone is the bread of others, how hard the way that goes up and down stairs that never are your own.Dante, The Paradiso What can a flame remember? If it remembers a little less than is necessary, it goe...

《The Bonesetter's Daughter》 / 谭恩美 / 英文

...icts to explore the intricate dynamic that exists between first-generation Americans and their immigrant elders. --Victoria Jenkins

《The Undomestic Goddess》 / Sophie Kinsella / 外国

...r employers have no idea they've hired a lawyer - and Samantha has no idea how to work the oven. She can't sew on a button, bake a patato, or get the #@%# ironing board to open. How she takes a deep breath and begins to cope - and finds love - is a story as delicious as the bread she learns to bake....

《The Poetry of Langston Hughes》 / 蓝斯顿·休斯 / 英文

...cial issues. Despite his own very liberal beliefs, Hughes defended African American activists who held more conservative views. For example, in the 1941 poem Ballad of Booker T., Hughes defends Booker T. Washington, a former slave and more conservative advocate for equality. Rather than criticize hi...

《Lost in river》 / 阿会Gia / 同人衍生

How to became a hero
佛罗里达90号班机 - 同人衍生 - BG - 短篇 - 完结

《Love in the Time of Cholera》 / 加西亚·马尔克斯 / 英文

This is one of the greatest love stories I have ever read. … It is so beautifully written that it really takes you to another place in time and will make you ask yourself—how long could you, or would you, wait for love?51 years,9 months, and 4 days, How long would you wait for the one you love?

