
搜索"how to what if"找到的小说 (Page1)

《Tigana》 / 盖伊·加列佛·凯伊 / 英文

...y that goes up and down stairs that never are your own.Dante, The Paradiso What can a flame remember? If it remembers a little less than is necessary, it goes out; if it remembers a little more than is necessary, it goes out. If only it could teach us, while it burns, to remember correctly.George Se...

《The Undomestic Goddess》 / Sophie Kinsella / 外国

...nely funny, sweet book. Kinsella is a comic whiz who consistently delivers what her readers crave: a good read with lots of laughs.  ——Miami Herald Workaholic attorney Samantha Sweeting has just done the unthinkable. She's made a mistake so huge, it'll wreck any chance of a partnership. Going ...

