
搜索"to be human"找到的小说 (Page1)

《Human Being·遗留》 / 垃圾分类 / 原创小说

这是一场蓄谋已久的离开。<br>垃圾分类<br>原创小说 - 现代 - 无CP - 短篇<br>完结<br>

《Human Being·思念》 / 垃圾分类 / 原创小说

据说鬼是没有影子的,不是吗?<br>垃圾分类<br>原创小说 - BG - 短篇 - 完结<br>现代 - 治愈 - 致郁<br>

《Human Being•无聊》 / 垃圾分类 / 原创小说

他陷入了无止尽的无聊之中。<br>垃圾分类<br>原创小说 - 现代 - 无CP - 短篇<br>完结 - 暗黑 - 致郁 - 重口<br>

《忠贞之夜》 / Haibudu_yz / 同人衍生

... - 完结 - 轻松<br>1v1 - 原作向<br>“It had occurred to me that all human beings are divided<br>into those who wish to move forward<br>and those who wish to go back.<br>Or you could say, those who wish to keep moving<br>and those who want to be stopped in their tracks<br>as by the blazing swo...

《A Walk to Remember》 / 尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯 / 英文

...would never be the same. Being with Jamie would show him the depths of the human heart and lead him to a decision so stunning it would send him irrevocably on the road to manhood.

《Human Being·图不灵》 / 垃圾分类 / 原创小说

人工智能设计师x他的人工智能<br>垃圾分类<br>原创小说 - 人工智能 - 短篇 - 完结<br>BL - 科幻<br>要!疯!了!<br>“就不能找个人来跟我说话吗!”<br>警员的动作顿了一下,重复道:“‘找个人来’。”<br>“建议采纳。”他直起...

《Walden》 / 亨利·大卫·梭罗 / 英文

... critique of the Western World, with each chapter heralding some aspect of humanity that needed to be either renounced or praised.

《数字化生存》 / 尼葛洛庞帝 / 科普 经管

...how the technologies will evolve. Negroponte presents a strong belief that humanity is inevitably headed towards a future where everything that can will be digitalized (be it newspapers, entertainment, or sex). This leads Negroponte to a quote repeated often in promoting and explaining the book's ma...

《The Last Battle》 / C·S·刘易斯 / 英文

...ust say good-bye … and where the adventure begins. The Unicorn says that humans are brought to Narnia when Narnia is stirred and upset. And Narnia is in trouble now. A false Aslan roams the land. Narnia's only hope is that Eustace and Jill, old friends to Narnia, will be able to find the true Asla...

《There used to be》 / 月华千山 / 同人衍生

brujay<br>月华千山<br>- 同人衍生 - 无CP - 短篇 - 完结<br>

《Born to be beautiful美由你掌握——解码美丽真相》 / 深色米兰 / 杂谈

《Born to be beautiful美由你掌握——解码美丽真相》是由深色米兰创作的一本杂谈书籍。

《To Be Continued》 / Mak / 同人衍生

不是所有死神都是穿黑袍拿镰刀的<br>Mak<br>POI[Person of Interest(POI,疑犯追踪)] - 肖根[Shaw/Root] 同人衍生 - GL<br>短篇 - 完结 - 第一人称 - 影视同人<br>

