
搜索"all to well"找到的小说 (Page1)

《all is well》 / 绿三三 / 耽美中文


《The Notebook》 / 尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯 / 英文

A man with a faded, well-worn notebook open in his lap. A woman experiencing a morning ritual she doesn't understand. Until he begins to read to her. The Notebook is an achingly tender story about the enduring power of love, a story of miracles that will stay with you forever. Set amid the austere b...

《Selected Poems of W. B. Yeats》 / 叶芝 / 英文

... last twenty years of his life include mention of his son and daughter, as well as meditations on the experience of growing old. In his poem, The Circus Animals' Desertion, he describes the inspiration for these late works:Now that my ladder's goneI must lie down where all the ladders startIn the fo...

《The Bonesetter's Daughter》 / 谭恩美 / 英文

...ug up by dragon-bone dream-seekers, the holes in the walls, the mud by the wells, the dustiness of the unpaved roads. I saw how all the women we passed, young and old, had the same bland face, sleepy eyes that were mirrors of their sleepy minds.Nor is rural isolation the worst of it. LuLing's family...

《I still want to say》 / 有青山入怀 / 同人衍生

重启之极海听雷 - all丧 同人衍生 - 影视同人 - 其他性向 - 大纲

《Dry well》 / 丰渡_fib / 原创小说

The dry well is reborn.
原创小说 - 无CP - 短篇 - 完结
拟人 - 英语

《Magician's Nephew》 / C·S·刘易斯 / 英文

You are about to enter one of the most wonderful places in all of literature: C.S. Lewis' land of Narnia. This is the book that C.S. Lewis intended to be the first in his landmark series, The Chronicles of Narnia. Here we are introduced to Polly and Digory, who are tricked by Digory's uncle Andrew i...

《[网王]孤注一掷》 / Toru / 言情

... Don't make me promises
Baby you never did know how to keep them well

《爱心树》 / 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 / 寓言

...use. But you can chop off my branches to build your house.' So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.

《Overnight to Many Different Cities》 / 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 / 英文

Kaleidoscopically mesmerizing... Powerfully illuminating -- Village VoiceFrom New York to Tokyo to Copenhagen to the Radiant City of Le Corbusier, this sophisticated and surreal collection of short stories and brief visionary texts takes us on an exhilarating tour of the modern urban -- and psycholo...

《The stolen Child》 / 凯斯·唐纳胡 / 英文

... her insightful reading and suggestions and for years of encouragement. To all my children.For their advice and inspiration, Sam Hazo, David Low, Cliff Becker, Amy Stolls, Ellen Bryson, Gigi Bradford, Allison Bawden, Laura Becker, and Sharon Kangas. And for the swift kick at Whale Rock, thank you to...

《忠贞之夜》 / Haibudu_yz / 同人衍生

...篇 - 完结 - 轻松
1v1 - 原作向
“It had occurred to me that all human beings are divided
into those who wish to move forward
and those who wish to go back.
Or you could say, those who wish to keep moving
and those who want to be stopped in their tracks
as by the blazing ...

